Personal Journals

wirebound journal with clear poly cover and full color top sheetClear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet

Personal Spiral Journals

Journals are stocked with blank, ruled or 1/4" grid format pages, with a choice of 50 or 100 sheets, and can be designed with either a clear poly cover over a full-color top sheet, or with one-color foil stamping on board.
Paper stock is #24 bond/#60 Bright White. Stock covers are 50 point natural, black, white or blue board with a one-color foil stamp. Offset printed covers are available with a white 10 point coated stock.

Many custom sizes, papers and printing options are available.

Stock wire color: Black.
Optional wire colors: Silver, White and Bronze.

# of Sheets
3" x 5" Jotter Series 50 1.88 1.72 1.34 1.25 1.15 Please Call
Bind on the 3" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
4" x 6" Jr. Business Journal 50 2.42 2.24 1.85 1.75 1.64 Please Call
4" x 6" Jr. Business Journal 100 2.88 2.60 2.32 2.14 1.88 Please Call
Bind on the 6" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
5" x 7" Business Journal 50 2.95 2.45 2.28 2.09 1.88 Please Call
5" x 7" Business Journal 100 3.39 2.95 2.88 2.64 2.46 Please Call
Bind on the 7" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
5" x 8" Jr. Executive Journal 50 2.99 2.59 2.49 2.27 2.05 Please Call
5" x 8" Jr. Executive Journal 100 3.94 3.69 3.47 3.17 2.78 Please Call
Bind on the 8" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
5 1/2" x 8 1/2" Executive Journals 50 3.49 2.99 2.79 2.69 2.42 Please Call
5 1/2" x 8 1/2" Executive Journals 100 4.29 3.98 3.75 3.69 3.25 Please Call
Bind on the 8 1/2" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
5 1/2" x 8 1/2" Steno Books 50 3.29 2.79 2.59 2.49 2.19 Please Call
5 1/2" x 8 1/2" Steno Books 100 3.99 3.69 3.49 3.39 2.99 Please Call
Bind on the 5 1/2" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
7" x 10" Journal 50 3.52 3.08 2.79 2.59 2.47 Please Call
7" x 10" Journal 100 4.25 3.79 3.69 3.65 3.39 Please Call
Bind on the 10" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
8 1/2" x 11" Composition/Project 50 3.72 3.28 2.99 2.79 2.67 Please Call
8 1/2" x 11" Composition/Project 100 4.45 3.99 3.89 3.85 3.59 Please Call
Bind on the 11" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet

Multiple color imprints, and a large variety of cover stocks and journal sizes are available, plus broker and dealer/distributor pricing.
Call 800-310-2723 for a quick, competitive quotation.

Size 3" x 5"
Description Jotter Series
# of Sheets 50
150 1.88
250 1.72
500 1.34
1000 1.25
2500 1.15
5000 Please Call
Bind on the 3" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
Size 4" x 6" 4" x 6"
Description Jr. Business Journal Jr. Business Journal
# of Sheets 50 100
150 2.42 2.88
250 2.24 2.60
500 1.85 2.32
1000 1.75 2.14
2500 1.64 1.88
5000 Please Call Please Call
Bind on the 6" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
Size 5" x 7" 5" x 7"
Description Business Journal Business Journal
# of Sheets 50 100
150 2.95 3.39
250 2.45 2.95
500 2.28 2.88
1000 2.09 2.64
2500 1.88 2.46
5000 Please Call Please Call
Bind on the 7" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
Size 5" x 8" 5" x 8"
Description Jr. Executive Journal Jr. Executive Journal
# of Sheets 50 100
150 2.99 3.94
250 2.59 3.69
500 2.49 3.47
1000 2.27 3.17
2500 2.05 2.78
5000 Please Call Please Call
Bind on the 8" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
Size 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Description Executive Journals Executive Journals
# of Sheets 50 100
150 3.49 4.29
250 2.99 3.98
500 2.79 3.75
1000 2.69 3.69
2500 2.42 3.25
5000 Please Call Please Call
Bind on the 8 1/2" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
Size 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Description Steno Books Steno Books
# of Sheets 50 100
150 3.29 3.99
250 2.79 3.69
500 2.59 3.49
1000 2.49 3.39
2500 2.19 2.99
5000 Please Call Please Call
Bind on the 5 1/2" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
Size 7" x 10" 7" x 10"
Description Journal Journal
# of Sheets 50 100
150 3.52 4.25
250 3.08 3.79
500 2.79 3.69
1000 2.59 3.65
2500 2.47 3.39
5000 Please Call Please Call
Bind on the 10" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet
Size 8 1/2" x 11"" 8 1/2" x 11"
Description Composition / Project Composition / Project
# of Sheets 50 100
150 3.72 4.45
250 3.28 3.99
500 2.99 3.89
1000 2.79 3.85
2500 2.67 3.59
5000 Please Call Please Call
Bind on the 11" Side. Ruled or Blank Sheets. #60 White, 50 Point Cover, One-Color Foil-Stamped Imprint or Clear Poly Cover over a Full-Color Top Sheet

Multiple color imprints, and a large variety of cover stocks and journal sizes are available, plus broker and dealer/distributor pricing.
Call 800-310-2723 for a quick, competitive quotation.

Spiral notebooks with personalized logo imprints make a great promotional product gift. Your school or company logos can be printed at affordable wholesale prices. We offer small notebooks at inexpensive prices to help you meet your budget requirements.

Specialty Notebooks